Week 3, February 2020

Meeting #1: 17th February 2020, 15:00-16:00, 4D (Library). Lucy and Kayleigh assigned Lauren to design the infograph, as she finally got in contact. We also finished the Appendix of Findings, refining the details and making sure it was clear and concise. 

Meeting #2: 18th February 2020, 13:00-15:00, 4D (Library). Lucy and Kayleigh assessed the Appendix of Findings to create the TOWS analysis. We then chose two main Critical Success Factors writing about them in detail, which we will then use for the infograph. We then E-Mailed this information to Lauren so she could carry out designing the info-graph. 

Meeting #3: 25th February 2020, 11:00-15:00, 4D (Library). Lucy and Kayleigh created the infograph as Lauren did not get back to us within the deadline given, or at all. Within this meeting we also tied up lose ends, proof reading and printing everything out, ready for our presentation.

Week 2 February 2020

Meeting #1: 11th February, 13:00-14:30, 4D (Library). Lucy, Kayleigh and Jade, carried out the tasks given to Lauren, who had no communication with us dispite all our efforts to contact her through Facebook Messenger and E-Mail. The deadline that we set her to do her share of the work has passed, with no progress; we decided to split her share between the three of us. With a deadline to complete the remaining MACRO and MICRO analysis by the 14th February.

  • Lucy- Legal
  • Kayleigh- Publics
  • Jade- Stakeholders

Meeting #2: 14th February, 12:00-13:00, 4D (Library). Lucy and Kayleigh attended this meeting to put together the Appendix of Findings, however, this could not be completed as we were still waiting for some research. as well as discuss a plan for the TOWS analysis. Our plans then being for the next week, once the Appendix of Findings and TOWS Analysis is complete, to start creating our infograph. We had planned to carry out these tasks as a combined effort, but with still no contact from Lauren and the un-attendence of Jade due to illness. Only Lucy and Kayleigh could start making a contribution.

This meeting was inteded to be a time allocated to bring all the research together to create the TOWS anslysis as a joint effort. However, unfinished research meant that Lucy and Kayleigh started the TOWS while Jade carried on with her MACRO and MICRO research. Which then Kayleigh and Lucy would add into the Appendix of Findings and TOWS analysis at a later date.

Week 1 February 2020

We made a group of Lucy, Kayleigh, Jade and Lauren. We discussed potential brands and carried basic research about the market sector. Deciding on festival events. In the workshop we planned a meeting to be on the 4th and 7th of February, where we would select our brand.

Meeting #1: 4th February, 13:00-14:30,4D (Library). High levels of unattendence meant two out of the four team members needed to divide the work load equally; allocating it to those who missed the meeting. Our MACRO analysis research was divided between us as such:

  • Lucy- Environmental
  • Kayleigh- Political, Social-culture
  • Jade- Technological, Economic
  • Lauren- Legal

We are aware that the work load is unequal, however, is someone is needing support with their research, we can help. Communicated by a WhatsApp group chat, E-Mail or in our next group meeting.

Meeting #2: 7th February, 11:00- 12:30, 4D (Library). Sadly attendence was not 100%, Lucy, Jade and Kayleigh discussed MACRO research we had carried out. Then allocated MICRO research between the group. We were made aware that Lauren has been unwell, so we have contacted her via E-Mail giving her a share of research and a deadline.

  • Lauren- Stakeholder, Publics
  • Kayleigh- Suppliers, The Market
  • Lucy- Operating Results, Strategic Issues
  • Jade- Customers, Competitors
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